German English French Spanish Italian Portuguese Polish Japanese Vietnamese Korean Chinese Russian | | Attorney-at-Law Michael Horak, graduate engineer (Electrical Engineering), LL.M. (European Law) Julia Ziegeler, Attorney-at-law Attorney Umberg, LL.M., M.A. Andree Eckhard, Patent Attorney Katharina Gitmann, Attorney-at-law Karoline Behrend, Attorney-at-law Johanna K. Müller-Kühne, PhD, Patent Attorney Andreas Friedlein, Attorney-at-law Stefan Karfusehr, Attorney-at-law |
| horak. Attorneys at law | | | | |
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| Start General Terms and Conditions Overview Law Office Jobs Attorneys Fees Michael Horak, LL.M., Attorney-at-law Julia Ziegeler, Attorney-at-law Anna Umberg, LL.M., M.A., Attorney-at-law Andree Eckhard, Patent Attorney Katharina Gitmann, Attorney-at-law Karoline Behrend, Attorney-at-law Johanna K. Müller-Kühne, PhD, Patent Attorney Andreas Friedlein, Attorney-at-law Stefan Karfusehr, Attorney-at-law Practice IP Law Patent Law Patent Application Utility Model Law Design Law Trademark Law Domain Law Semiconductor Topographies Plant Varieties and Seeds Know-How Law Copyright Law Forms Licence Law Computer Law Online Law E-Commerce E-Contract Software Law Media Law Antitrust Law Advertising Law Competition Law EC Competition Law Vergleich Admonishment Admonishment-Sample Foodstuffs Law Pharmaceutical Law Telecommunications Law Commercial Law Company Law Plc Law Small Stock Company International Law IR-Trademarks Public Procurement Law Fiscal and Economic Offences Law Research IP Search IP Monitoring Domain Research Economic Research Information Brokerage Sample Texts Forms and Sample Agreements Confidentiality Agreement Memorandum of Association Contractual Clauses Jurisdiction Clause Return Right German Acts Patent Act Trademark Act Copyright Act Employee Inventions Law Competition Act Teleservices Act Court Rulings Patent law BGH-software-patent Trademark law BGH-Bonus2 BGH-ac-pharma BGH-Blendaxpep BGH-Acceleration-fee BGH-Fuenfer BGH-LOGO KG-toolshop Trademark Orange ECFI-Aurelia Competition law BGH-answer-obligation BGH-Handy for 0 BVerfG-Benetton OLG-Celle-anwalt-hannover-de Computer Law Mitwohnzent OLGHH-stockexchangedata BGH-Mitwohnzentrale BGH-Maxem BGH-Paperboy Food law OLGCelle 13O320aus98 Copyright law BGH-Urteil-Marlene Dietrich OLGBS-Beschwerdewert-Auskunft ECJ-Sony Falcon Antitrust Law BGH-Hörgeräteakustik Employment Law Attorneys Ethics law AnwG-Taetigkeitsschwerpunkt OLGStuttgart-Vanity-Nummer BVerfG1BvR335aus97 Pharmaceutical Law Telecommunications Law inter Contact Enquiry Power of Attorney Download Imprint Privacy Policy Links Associations Official Authorities Universities Legal Issues Miscellaneous Locations Berlin Bielefeld Bremen Düsseldorf Frankfurt Hamburg Hanover Leipzig Munich Stuttgart Vienna |
| horak. Attorneys at Law Hannover Lawyers Patent AttorneysGeorgstr. 48 30159 Hannover (Headquarter) GermanyFon +49 511.35 73 56-0 Fax +49 511.35 73 56-29 horak. Attorneys at Law Berlin Lawyers Patent AttorneysWittestraße 30 K 13509 Berlin GermanyFon +49 30.403 66 69-00 Fax +49 30.403 66 69-09 horak. Attorneys at Law Bielefeld Lawyers Patent AttorneysHerforder Str. 69 33602 Bielefeld GermanyFon +49 521.43 06 06-60 Fax +49 521.43 06 06-69 horak. Attorneys at Law Bremen Lawyers Patent AttorneysParkallee 117 28209 Bremen GermanyFon +49 421.33 11 12-90 Fax +49 421.33 11 12-99 horak. Attorneys at Law Düsseldorf Lawyers Patent AttorneysGrafenberger Allee 293 40237 Düsseldorf GermanyFon +49 211.97 26 95-00 Fax +49 211.97 26 95-09 horak. Attorneys at Law Frankfurt/ Main Lawyers Patent AttorneysAlfred-Herrhausen-Allee 3-5 65760 Frankfurt-Eschborn GermanyFon +49 69.380 79 74-20 Fax +49 69.380 79 74-29 horak. Attorneys at Law Hamburg Lawyers Patent AttorneysColonnaden 5 20354 Hamburg GermanyFon +49 40.882 15 83-10 Fax +49 40.882 15 83-19 horak. Attorneys at Law LEIPZIG Lawyers Patent AttorneysFriedrich-List-Platz 1 04103 Leipzig GermanyFon 0341.98 99 45-50 Fax 0341.98 99 45-59 horak. Attorneys at Law Munich Lawyers Patent AttorneysLandsberger Str. 155 80687 Munich Germany
Fon +49 89.250 07 90-50 Fax +49 89.250 07 90-59 horak. Attorneys at Law Stuttgart Lawyers Patent AttorneysKönigstraße 80 70173 Stuttgart GermanyFon +49 711.99 58 55-90 Fax +49 711.99 58 55-99 horak. Patent Attorneys Vienna Trauttmansdorffgasse 8 1130 Vienna AustriaFon +43 1.876 15 17 Fax +49 511.35 73 56-29 |
| | | | Court rulings in the area of trademark lawJUDGMENT OF THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE (Eighth Chamber) of 13 May 2009 T136/08 - Aurelia | Community trade mark – Community word mark AURELIA – Failure to pay renewal fee – Removal of trade mark from register on expiry of registration – Application for restitutio in integrum | ECJ Trademark Orange | This judgement deals with the question whether and under what circumstances a colour per se is eligible for trademark protection. | BGH BONUS II | The dispute concerning the term “BONUS” started in 1988. Now the applicant is trying to register it as a trademark; even though the German Supreme Court had already “obliged” the Federal Patent Tribunal to register the trademark before, it refused to do so again (and again to no avail). | BGH-ac-pharma | It is possible that a mere aural similarity may create a likelihood of confusion. | BGH-BlendaxPep | The name of a company is not to be considered in dealing with the question of distinctiveness. | BGH-Fünfer | The word per se does not lack distinctiveness, but might be subject to a requirement of availability. | BGH-Acceleration Fee | Repayment of an acceleration fee if the proceedings have not been accelerated due to reasons (such as work overload) within the German Patent and Trademark Office | | No possibility of confusion of two identical marks of an undertaking (Unternehmenskennzeichen) if they cover different goods or services. | BGH-LOGO | LOGO is generally not descriptive. | KG-Toolshop | Toolshop is descriptive. |